
Monday, January 14, 2013

Loose Truth & Deception/A Matter Of Perception......

What ever happened to The Truth In Music Legislation  on having one
original member in an act to make it legit.

It seems the lines are quite blurred on this issue.The truth is this bill isn't
worth the paper it's written on.....

The interesting thing is non of the above people who make up the above
acts advertised ever recorded on any of the original songs that made
these acts famous. Yet the word original is used very blatantly here.

The Bill States:

The truth in Music Bill was created to protect the artist from Identity theft
and to protect the consumer from being mis-lead to believe they are seeing
the legendary artist that made the hit songs famous - when in fact they are
The truth in Music Law is designed to stop unscrupulous concert promoters
from deceiving the public with "Imposter groups" which have no connection,
legal or otherwise, to the authentic groups. Fundamentally, this is a consumer
protection bill, as the public pays hard earned money to see a show and has
no idea what it's even getting. The bill makes it mandatory for a live
performance to include at least one recording member of the group who still
has the right to use the group name. Otherwise, the act must be billed as a
"Tribute" or a "Salute" so that the public knows what it's paying for.

The reality is as long as there is money to be made these acts will exist in
the market place long after the original members are dead and gone.

Promoters, Agents etc. will continue exploit these so called legislation's
as long as there are loopholes which allows them to circumvent them.

The Bill is also quite contradictory in that on one end it says that a group
has to prove that it owns or has a right to use a name but in the same
breath states the group must have at least one original members who
was on the songs it recorded.

This raises the question mark about owners of names who market the
acts with no original members who have yet to establish credibility
through successful music recordings.

All of this to say the least is confusing when you have former members
of bands etc who claim there legitimate right in a Trade or service mark
being that they are in reality original recording members.

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